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Showing posts from December, 2018

3 Cloud Computing Security Issues All Companies Face | HiTechNectar

Cloud is a common term you hear. Cloud computing is the storing, accessing, and managing of massive data and software over the Internet (hence “Cloud”). It, in turn, gives a better running platform, infrastructure and software as a service. While it is easy to see why all the organisations; from SMBs to Large Enterprises are moving on to Cloud Computing Services: Better access to the resources, saving organisations the cost of servers and more. Worldwide access, resulting in better team collaboration and data sharing. Multiple Storage options: public, private or hybrid storage. Various service choices according to the Organization’s needs. Better scalability and tool selection and customisation. That leads to defining a flexible structure and helps in identifying a better strategy for the business. Encryption and API keys support to keep data secure. But still, if not handled with caution, like any other technology, cloud computing security may produce a baggage full wit

AI and Chatbots changing the Face of Digital Marketing

As 2019 is taking a step closer, the digital marketing platform that comprises of SEO, PPC, content marketing, social media and more is witnessing a vivid shift. There are various new digital marketing strategies and trends that are evolving in today’s high-tech or internet-connected era. Organizations now need to embrace them to achieve their desired business outcomes because things that worked for you this year may not work in the next. How Artificial Intelligence is modifying the ways o f Digital Marketing With the ability to adapt and effective data analysis, AI can easily predict the decisions and buying behaviour of your target customers. Therefore, helping you to understand your audience better.   AI  is taking over the human’s function of determining marketing trends. Marketers and brands are powering AI in digital marketing to save both resources and time. Using AI data and algorithms, you can provide your customers what they actually need and can automate various

Is Agile Really The Way Forward Or Just A Cultural Industry Change?

For a long time, agile was considered as a set of management practices relevant only to the software development industry. This was considered so as the original document the “Agile Manifesto for Software Development” was written by software developers. However, this methodology is now spreading to all types of organizations after being recognized by McKinsey & Company, Harvard Business Review and the 2015 learning consortium Project in 2016. What is Agile? It is a methodology which uses an iterative and incremental approach to product development. This allows the development teams to tackle the unpredictability of the development process. Instead of treating the development as one process, it is divided into a number of smaller tasks. The entire idea is to reduce operational/developmental dependency. It also ensures that all the team members perform their roles individually to maintain the fixed timelines. What is Agile methodology ? This methodology adopts iterative

What is the Surface Web ? Also known as the Visible Web “LightNet”, or Indexed Web; Surface Web is everything that you can find on the regular World-Wide-Web. It contains the pages that are put under “Indexable” to be readily available to its searchers in any Search Engine’s Result Page. According to the , “The Web contains minimum 5.28 billion Indexed pages (Wed, 28 Nov’18).” Interestingly enough, the Surface Web is only approx. 10% of the whole World Wide Web. Examples of Surface Web include- Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia, Regular Blogging Websites, and basically everything that we can see on any search engine’s result page (SERP). Index or NoIndex ? By default, a web page is set to “Index”. However, some pages have no requirement of being in the SERP and be accessed by the others DIRECTLY. For example; Thank you Pages, a companies admin and login pages. So primarily the pages that are either intended to specific people or the pages that come aft

Understanding Marketing Concepts 101 | HiTechNectar

What is marketing and marketing concept ? Marketing refers to an activity of a company correlated with buying or selling a product and service which includes advertising, selling, advertising and delivering products to people or the management process through which goods and services from concept to customer. However, a marketing concept is a strategy that organizations execute to satisfy customer’s need, amplify sales and increase profit. Marketing concepts that firms adopt and execute Here is a brief overview of marketing concepts that firms adopt and execute. Production concept It is an operation-based concept where the customer expects products that are easily accessible and affordable or reasonable. In production concept the business focuses on production proficiency, decreasing costs and mass distribution. This concept works in economies that are developing where the need for the product is more than the features it offers. Product concept It is a consumer-ori

Adaptive Content: Things You Need to Know | HiTechNectar

Big and small businesses alike have found that adopting a content strategy has given them amazing results in terms of revenue and lead generation. A recent study has found that 56% of the consumers would purchase from a brand which offers them personalized experiences. However for these businesses to continue achieving the same results, adopting an adaptive approach becomes a necessity. As one might guess from the name, adaptive content changes according to the needs of your audience. You create personalized, 1:1 experiences for your audience when they interact online with your brand. If you want to be prepared for the future of content strategy, you need to know the meaning of concepts such as personalization, user experience, omnichannel, responsive design and also the relations between them. Factors of Adaptive Content Adaptive content changes itself, not just in the appearance but also in substance. A number of factors affect this change. Some of the primary factors a

What is Keyword Clustering and Why is it Important? | A Brief Guide

Keyword clustering refers to the bunching of different but significantly relevant keywords. There are times when the user may search for a particular topic with many keywords, for example- “What can I go in the summer to spend my time with friends and family.” “What are the best places to visit with friends in summer.” “Most beautiful locations in summer.” “10 places to visit in 7 days this month of the year.” All words can have their own different meaning but still mean the same for them. The precise words to be looked up about the same topics can be multiple, so there are many assumptions. Therefore, the use of clustering of keywords is essential as there are many ways a person could search with the same motto. Furthermore, the Keyword clustering method is based on the top ten search results doesn’t matter which search engine it is. It becomes vital to optimise your pages for both, singular and plural keyword search results. The Keyword Clustering Algorithm in a t