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Showing posts from January, 2019

How Employee Engagement Improves Productivity at the Workplace

Employees are the driving force for any  SME or a multi-national conglomerate . Hence, it is imperative for organizations to have a workforce which is active, motivated and driven to ensure they meet their targets. Overtime, all businesses face the issues of their staff getting disinterested with their job, and it is necessary for organizations to keep their workforce engaged to keep their morale up. Here is where employee engagement comes to the picture. How to Improve Employee Engagement? An employee will be engaged with the company if they feel valued, secure, financially well-off, and happy. An organization can apply one or many of the possible engagement strategies to ensure their staff are happy. After all, this has a direct effect on their productivity, which every organization understands the importance of a  productive workforce . To improve engagement, organizations need to ask the employees themselves as to what they need. Read More:

In-depth Analysis of Breach: Everything you need to know

A data breach refers to an incident that includes the illegal viewing or unauthorized access of data by an application or individual. It is specifically made to steal and publish data to an unsecured location. Data breaches are now more malicious & cunning than ever before. Various threats are programmed to remain unnoticed for as far as possible, until unleashed at a convenient time chosen to cause maximum damage. How do you know you have Been Breached? Deciding whether or not your organization has been breached is one of the roughest and keystroke tasks in the IT world. Hackers are skilled at finding vulnerabilities and covering their tracks without raising any suspicions. The best defence is a good offence when it comes to a data breach. Below mentioned are some points to tell if your business has been breached: Read More:

3 Data Security Threats All Companies Face | Things to Consider in 2019

Cyber and Data Security Threats are the worst global threats today for businesses. Regardless of size, companies rely upon critical business data and sensitive information. Thus, companies need to be mindful of all potential risks to secure their networks in this new year. The  Cost of a Data Breach Study  (2018) by Ponemon with IBM Security’s sponsorship reports, a data breach’s average cost to be up by 6.4 per cent over its previous year to $3.86 million, globally. While the average cost for each stolen/lost record containing sensitive and confidential information also increased exponentially. Ransomware and Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities In 2019, ransomware will continue to be the main malware challenge for businesses and beyond. This includes Network Security threats and Software threats & vulnerabilities.  A  virus  is the first thing that comes across over minds with the term “Cyber Security”. Malware opens the door to all of your sensitive data. Read More:  https

ECM: Manage Your Organization's Data Better | HiTechNectar

As companies increase in size, so does their data and paperwork required for handling the massive number of employees. Managing this enormous amount of data manually becomes difficult. Imagine having to move from one part of the organization just to retrieve one document. This is where ECM or Enterprise content management systems come into the picture. What are ECM systems? Also referred to as  documents management or records management ,  enterprise content management  is the complete process of managing the enterprises’ documents. These documents can include unstructured data such as Word documents, PDFs, Excel spreadsheets, images, etc. ECM stores and arranges this data in ways that makes it accessible to the right people. Read More:

Fast and Secure Protocol (FASP) Accelerating Data Transmission to Cloud

In this digital era, persistent and reliable movement of digital data, including massive sizes over universal distances, is becoming vital to business success across virtually every industry. The Transmission Control Protocol that has conventionally been the engine of this data movement, however, has inherent impasses in performance. What exactly is FASP? Fast and Secure Protocol (FASP) is an innovative file transfer tech by Aspera. It is a software which evacuates the fundamental shortcomings of traditional TCP based data transfer technologies such as HTTP or TCP itself. FASP is flexible and open architecture with maximum speed and reliability. Unlike TCP, FASP transfer is robust and can achieve speed hundred times faster than HTTP/FTP. With built-in security and extraordinary bandwidth control, it provides an assured and secured delivery time regardless of transfer distance, file size or network conditions. Read More:

Demise of Crypto, Rise of Blockchain? 2019 Might Answer The Question

After the hype surrounding crypto-currencies in 2017, 2018 was a reality check for these projects. It was a rocky downhill road, but this is to be expected for any emerging technology up for mass adoption. The last part of 2018 witnessed the decline in the value of  crypto-currency  and is decreasing further. With the crypto-market continuing its bear run, we can surely predict that we might get to witness a “survival of the fittest” situation occur. Market stabilization, combined with lesser speculation, will be important this year. But looking past crypto, the technology behind blockchain remains as promising as ever. There is tremendous enthusiasm for blockchain in the market even from large players. Some are already planning to use the technology and are devising how a decentralized app powered by blockchain can help with their business processes. Read More:

SAN vs NAS: Know The Difference | HiTechNectar

Selecting a storage solution depends pretty much on your requirements. Let’s discuss the two primary methods namely Network Attached Storage and Storage Area Network . These methods are in use by companies since a very long time now. Both NAS and SAN, provide  storage  solutions over the network. Storage Area Network is a local network over multiple devices whereas Network Attached Storage is a single device that operates on data files. Before going directly to the SAN vs NAS comparison , let’s see the technologies actually are. What is SAN? SAN is the most common network storage architecture used by organizations for business-critical applications that need to deliver high throughput with low latency. The SAN architecture allows organizations to apply consistent methodologies and tools for data protection, security and disaster recovery. Read More:

What is Customer Experience (CX)? Why do you need a CX strategy?

What exactly does Customer Experience (CX) mean? The digital revolution is creating a new overall experience, altering our everyday moments. Building relationships are essential in today’s digitalized environment. Gone are the days when communicating with your customers was primarily a human experience. Customer experience (CX) refers to interactions between a consumer and an enterprise throughout their business relationship. An interaction which includes awareness, purchases, service, discovery and advocacy. A business cannot thrive or survive without its customers, which is why companies are emphasizing on how to gain new customers and perhaps more importantly, retain the existing ones by using customer experience strategies. Ways to improve customer experience (CX) CX is an essential segment of Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ), and the reason why it’s important is that a consumer who has a good experience with a brand or business is more likely to become a re

Language localization: What Is It And Why Is It Needed?

Localization service is important for brands to appeal to their audience. It is the process of adjusting a product’s properties to suit the requirements of the locale where it is to be launched in terms of its language, culture, and political and legal scenario. Language Localization Service Definition Language localization is  process  of adapting the product in the language suited to the particular culture and geographical location/market. It doesn’t just mean to translate from one language to the other. In this, the focus is on communicating rather than repurposing. It is often referred to by the numeronym “L10N”, signifying L followed by 10 letters and ending with N. Read More:

The Fourth Industrial Revolution and 5G - Shaping the Future

What exactly are the industrial revolutions? Industrial revolutions are those eras in the modern human history that brought a radical shift in the social and economic status of people impelled by technological innovations. From the late 1700s till date, we’ve seen the three major industrial revolutions, and the fourth industrial revolution is the one of the current era. The First industrial revolution  took place between the late 1700s and early 1800s with an appearance of the mechanized textile manufacturing and steam locomotive. In simple words, it used water and steam power to mechanize production. The Second industrial revolution  started between 1820 and 1870 was possible and achievable by rapid mechanization, industrialization, and the invention of the assembly lines. Furthermore, this revolution used electric power to create mass production. The Third industrial revolution  took place in 1969. This industrial revolution started off with the entry of computers and ele

Google Algorithm Updates in 2018 So Far | HiTechNectar

It is well known that Google works continuously to optimize their services on a regular basis. This implies adding occasionally adding minor and major updates to the Google algorithm that shake things up every now and then. This makes it necessary for the SEO community to stay updated with the updates and the effects of the same. 2018 was no exception to this. There were a number of significant updates from Google in 2018 as well. Let’s take a quick look at the Google Algorithm Updates 2018. Google Algorithm List Brackets Core Update: This core update was launched in March earlier this year. Many sites saw major volatility on 3rd and 8th of March Mobile-first Index   Roll-out: With this update, Google would index the websites primarily according to their mobile versions. Snippet Length Drop: In May, Google rolled back most of the snippets to the earlier limits (150-160 characters after testing longer snippets of 300+ characters. Read More: